
Declarative style

< div class="countdown" data-role="countdown">

JavaScript style

$(function(){ $("#countdown").countdown(); });

In this example I used of stripp colors:



Parameter Data-* Type Default value Description
stop data-stop stringify date false (current datetime) Stop time
days data-days int false Days to stop
hours data-hours int false Hours to stop
minutes data-minutes int false Minutes to stop
seconds data-seconds int false Seconds to stop
backgroundColor data-background-color string bg-cyan Digit background. Color or class
digitColor data-digit-color string fg-white Digit color. Color or class
dividerColor data-divider-color string fg-dark Divider color. Color or class
labelColor data-label-color string fg-grayLight Labels color. Color or class
labels data-labels object {'days': 'days', 'hours': 'hours', 'minutes': 'minutes', 'seconds': 'seconds'} Label values


Event Data-* Params Description
onTick data-on-tick (d, h, m, s) The event fired when the countdown ticked
onStop data-on-stop The event fired when the countdown stopped